An Argument for Alloyfold

11 December 2004

Festive greetings from NZ! It's been a big year for ALLOYFOLD! We've successfully transitioned the

manufacture of our Aluminum chair to the USA and now we're improving it even more.The new US-made ALLOYFOLD 4 chair has been a resounding success. And now that we're State-side we're using alloy technology not previously available to us to strenthen the ALLOYFOLD 4 to previously unseen levels. It's a fact that 20% of us are overweight...we want you to feel comfortable about seating your most generously proportioned customers ! So as ARA show time approaches and you start thinking about your rising insurance premiums, growing workers compensation claims, Blackjack and chair purchasing, take a good hard look at the ALLOYFOLD 4 and consider: * It's extremely strong * It interstacks perfectly with your existing (rusting?) steel chairs * It's 30% lighter than a steel equivilent so its kinder to your staff and vehicles * It cannot rust * It requires minimal maintenance because of the anodised aluminum frame * It offers you a point of differentiation in a crowded market * It's 100% USA made. * It's being used and re-ordered by your peers in the industry It's a strong argument. Call me on 1-888-368 7713 to learn more about ALLOYFOLD- the world's best rental chair. Best regards Antony Brett ALLOYFOLD NZ Image courtesy of